Monday, December 1, 2008

Xmas calendar December 1st 2008 (Countdown to Xmas)

Woot! Woohoo It is december! As you also probably noticed I changed the title to Xmas calendar because now this is like Christmas calendar. However I still kept that countdown to Xmas there. Why? Because I will still write down the same things I did in the countdown posts. The way this has changed then, well you can probably see it and read it from other posts. So, 17 more days left till I'm in Finland and that includes 10 more school days. The weather in Finland is now 5 celcius degrees and it is raining. So the warm snowless weather continues. Pouty So now it would be the time for first music of december but before that I will tell you a funny story what happened yesterday and it is thing I forgot to put to yesterdays countdown. So yesterday I went to event for Finnish people called Finnish Christmas/Advent church which obviously was for Finnish expats who lives here in KL. I actually enjoyed that because when I listened the Finnish priest (who had come here to KL long way from Finland just because of this event) and his prayings and stuff, I got a feeling that I would be in Finland and it would be cold snowy winter-day. But when I look out of the windows of the church, I see the sun, the warmness and the palm trees and then I have the feeling, "oh yeah... right". But now is the part you have been waiting for it is time for the first song Christmas right here at my blog. Todays song is called Highway to Hell by AC/DC. Now don't care about the lyrics, "don't judge music by it's lyrics" just enjoy it and by the way AC/DC is my favorite band. Not KISS like some people thinks just because of my title up there. No, it is AC/DC and here is the song.

I hope you liked it and see you tommorow.

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