Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Xmas calendar December 9th 2008 (Countdown to Xmas)

Hi guys! Only 9 days left till I am in Finland and that includes 5 more school days. The weather in Finland is 0 celcius degrees and it is snowing. Wow! I don't know how it is possible but I checked from the website of Finnish weather station and the temperature had gone very fast from -3 to 2. So 5 degrees in something like 15 minutes. Today some people have been asking me to remove that game in your blog which makes that annoying music. I will actually remove it even though I made a video to show you how to turn it off. I will put it back then later if I want but for now, it is gone. Next thing that I am about to tell you is pretty cool (and random). As you might know already that AC/DC is my favorite band, well AC/DC is coming to Finland and they're going to make a concert on next June. Fortunately the Summer-vacation starts at the beginning of June so I get to see them. They don't know the actual date yet when they would preform but the discussions are looking good for us that AC/DC will come to Finland. They are not selling the tickets for the concert yet but when they do, I have to buy them immediately because AC/DC is pretty popular in Finland and many other people would also want to go there. Talking of AC/DC today's music is provided by AC/DC. Most of the "Aussies" know this song and it is called T.N.T. Enjoy.

(Isn't this much easier to put the link down than to download a video. Well for me it is but if you want to see the video here instead of going to other website, then please comment. So here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtaALqyQhuA&feature=related)
Ps: Don't forget to vote for the poll. What song do you want to hear in the last countdown post?


Kevin said...

Hey dude, the game is still there!

Rock Joon said...

Not anymore.