Monday, November 24, 2008

Civilization in KL vs. Surviving with Early men

Note: This is a continued part from "KL civilized? (Yes)" post so if you are reading this now I reccomend you to read the "KL civilized? (Yes)" below. Anyway, let's make this quickly so to the point. So, today in our class we talked about what are the differences between Kuala Lumpur (nowadays) and Early Man (cave men's time). To solve this problem we made 14 different categories to put our thoughts in for example: What so we use and to get Water, Food, Nature/Environment, Resources, Shelters/buildings and so on now here in KL and long long ago in cave men time. I now want to share some of our thoughts. For food Thanksgiving Dinner 2 we can simply buy it from Cold Storage and from other grocery stores but early men had to hunt for it. For water we can just buy bottled water but early men probably used streams and rains to get it. And last category I am going to tell you about is technology. Computer  Here in KL they uses mostly like computers, televisions, electricity, safes and some other equipment. Of course there was many other categories that I didn't mention but there was a funny thing in category called Entertainment/Art. Someone said that Early men used stone TVs and watched program where they were hitting each other with sticks. ROTFL That joke was so funny that I am still laughing for it. Well I think that's about it so see you later.

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