Monday, November 24, 2008

Count down to Xmas (November 24, 2008)

Hi guys! It is again a time to "the count down". So 24 days left till I'm in Finland. I also covered out that only 18 more school days till I'm in Finland. Why... How come? Well in that 24 days I included the weekends and couple day offs we will have before the Xmas vacation. The weather in Finland is now -1 celcius degrees and it is snowing... wohoo! Unfortunately, I got a report from my friend that tommorow it will be much warmer and that it will rain so... No Anyway now I am going to tell one thing I want for Xmas. This probably the most important one and it is Nokia music phone which has a lot of memory to put music on. My best friend (who is giving me the weather reports) has that one. Yesterday I promised you guys to show how to turn that annoying sound at this page off without muting your whole computer, did I? Well I didn't have time to do it so I'll try to put it here tommorow okay? But still I'm so sorry I'm Sorry . So see ya.

1 comment:

Laura said...

that phone sounds really cool. plus you blog alot!!