Thursday, November 27, 2008

Countdown to Xmas (November 27, 2008)

Hello guys! 21 days to go (about 500 hours) but only 13 school days (so I have to spend 88 hours in the school). The weather in Finland is: Snowing but 1 celcius degrees. Dang! Kicking Dirt Even though that is pretty cold the snow is melting though because if you know anything about science, you should know that water changes to ice when the temperature goes below 0 and when it is 0 or over the ice melts and snow is like ice so there is something about science for you guys. But we're not talking about science so lets get to the point. Ok, yesterday I told you the first and second thing from my "To do in Finland" list. Today I'll tell you the third thing I will do. This is: just doing random stuff with the snow. Like play with it, make snow men or snow angels or guinea pigs and whatever you can build out of snow. I would probably do some snow waring but this is just throwing snow balls and very, very friendly. I would probably take out my bobsled (bobsled is kind of sled but it has got a steering wheel) that I haven't touch since I moved to Malaysia because last year there was no snow at all for the whole winter season or at least the time I was in Finland. So what I would do with my bobsled is to slide down some hills that are covered with snow and if see a ramp in front of me I would just drive to it and jump as high and far as I could. Yeah so that's about my plans in Finland. Oh, quess what guys? Question Mark Nothing! But seriously quess what? Grrr Well it's about the poll in my blog (vote for it). If you look at it you will see a text that says something like voting days left and for example today there is 35 days left. And I counted what date is after that 35 days, 1/1/09 and that time I am in Finland. The great thing about it is that most of my friends in Finland likes pancakes better than Waffles or French toasts so please vote for Waffles so I can "show-off" that Waffles rule the KL so remember to vote for Waffles. And by the way, if you think I am doing subliminal messaging like "vote for Waffles" then you have badly mistaken because I am NOT doing subliminal messaging. I just want to "show-off" my friends... well you know rest of that story so yeah, I think that's that for today, CYA 2morrow! Waving

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