Friday, November 28, 2008

Countdown to Xmas (November 28, 2008)

Hi guys! Oh, I know that it's pretty late but still, only 20 days till I'm in Finland but that includes 12 school days. The weather in Finland is 5 celcius degrees and it is dark already. Today is Friday so Weekend BBQ Today I will tell you my second thing I want for Xmas is. The answer is "Guitar Hero IV (4): World Tour"-game. It is available for PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. If you don't know what Guitar Hero is, I can tell you that it is very similar to "Rock Band"-game. If you don't know what Rock Band is... then search from google or something but I will show you a picture of Guitar Hero controller So now you probably know what Guitar Hero is, if you don't search from google. So that's that for today. BYE!

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